Recommended Server Specifications
Processor: Intel Xeon class (Single or dual processors with 8 or more cores in each processor)
Memory: 64 GB or more
Hard drive: 500 GB or more (Solid state drive preferred)
Ethernet: Gigabyte Ethernet controller with 2 or more ports.
Operating System: Windows Server 2019 or newer
Dual Monitors with a high end NVIDIA GPU card is recommended if application development will be done on this server.
NOTE: Some anti-virus programs may interfere with the Griffin processes, If an anti-virus program is installed, the “C:\griffin\” folder (including sub-folders) should be added to the exception list of the anti-virus program. Without such exception, the anti-virus program may block inter-process communication between Griffin processes and may temporarily block access (during real-time scanning) to files generated by the Griffin processes which can affect the real-time operation of the Griffin system.