The Griffin AI Toolkit®
Building a better facility through no code, open system solutions.
A streamlined, no-code artificial intelligence platform for process optimization.
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The Griffin AI Toolkit® Advantage
For several years, Griffin has helped large process facilities reduce production costs and effluents levels. Our platform provides significant time-savings for engineers and operators and allows businesses to convert analysis into action and control.
- No-Code Solutions
A no code solution you can use. The Griffin AI Toolkit® provides a number of tools for creating models, performing optimizations and developing custom tuning screens in addition to traditional flow control logic. End-users and third-party developers can add custom algorithms or encapsulate proprietary knowledge in their own toolbar.
- Simplified Digital Transformation Experience
- Real-Time Iterations & Updates
- Scalable Technology
What Is Adivarent Control®?
Noun | ad-i-vAr-ant con-trol | A real-time assistant to operators and control systems
Our AI Toolkit is the backbone of what we like to call Adivarent Control®. Adivarent Control® acts as an artificial intelligence bridge between control systems and operators. This allows your operator’s tacit knowledge to be institutionalized across organizations.
- Artificial intelligence that is reliable, open and customizable
- A closed-loop system with no manual input required, which enhances your current investment in digital controls systems and PLCs
- Evolving and improving to support continual process improvements
- A no-code platform which can be used to rapidly test new control strategies, new process models and new algorithms for enhanced AI and control
- An open design with solutions created by process experts
- A replacement for your control system or your operators
- A large CAPEX investment in hardware
- A complex “black box” system
- A monolithic pre-packaged solution with limited ability to address multiple or evolving process enhancement opportunities
News Archive
Announcing the 2019 Griffin AI Toolkit User’s Group
The Griffin AI Toolkit™ User’s Group is formed by like minded professionals dedicated to continual process improvements …
Read Full PostAmeren’s Rush Island plant wins PRB Coal User’s Group Plant of the Year award
Ameren’s Rush Island plant wins PRB Coal User’s Group Plant of the Year award. Taber International, LLC is proud to be a…
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What Is Adivarent Control®?
At Griffin Open Systems, our AI Toolkit is the backbone of what we like to call Adivarent Control, a concept that allows…
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